It's been a little while since I last blogged. We've had a few adventures that I wanted to write about. Early in May we went to the park to feed ducks with some stale bread. The bread had gone a little moldy but I figured the ducks would still like it. When we got to the park we were excited to see lots of soft, fuzzy, yellow goslings! They were so darn cute! We had lots of fun feeding the animals and when I gave Zoe some bread to throw out she decided that she needed to snack on it. So gross! She was just loving on the stale slightly moldy bread. What a funny little girl.
Also during May we had a contractor come to our house to add insulation to our attic. It was supposed to be a really quick thing. He would come and add the insulation which would take a couple hours and be done. Well, things didn't go so smoothly...he ended up stepping through the ceiling in my bedroom while I was in there working. He didn't fall through but his leg came clear through and made a giant hole! It scared me so bad that I'm sure I yelled out in surprise. So what should have taken a couple of hours ended up taking almost a week! The guy, Ron, was so nice but for some reason he worked so slowly. He eventually finished and the patch looks mostly good.
I turned 28 on May 8 and am sad that my twenties are almost over! I'm not ready to be 30 so I better enjoy my last 2 years! For my Birthday Cory let me get a dog. I've been wanting a dog for a while now so I was very excited to look at dogs. We decided to go check at the pound and see what they had. They had a few cute dogs to choose from. Cory had his eye on a Pit Bull and I had my eye on a Bichon Frise mix. Cory's choice was huge and beautiful and strong..while my choice was small, white, and fuzzy. Because it was my Birthday gift and we have a small baby we decided to go for the Bichon Frise mix named Pierre he is about 5 years old. He is a sweet Dog but he has some bad habits that we are going to try to train out of him. He loves to eat garbage which we don't like. But other than that he is a great dog so far.

On Memorial Day we had an interesting day. It started out with us shopping and having a little fun with my sister and her family. Then we went to a park in Draper where we watched the Air Force Band play. It was such a nice concert and Zoe had so much fun walking around and listening to the music. We saw the show with Zoe's Great Grandparents who we love spending time with.
That evening we decided to go visit Zoe's Grandma Pam. We were outside playing with Pierre and Kona, Grandpa Larry's dog. Grandma Pam, the Great grandparents, and Cory were all sitting on a brick planter that my Mom has Snap Dragons planted in. Little Zoe was walking around and just having a great time. She started to walk towards my Mom with a big old grin on her face and just as she was about to reach my Mom she tripped and plunged right into the brick planter with her little head. She hit right between her eyes at the top of her nose and it was the most awful sound I have ever heard! I had been playing with the Dogs so I ran over to where my Mom was holding the baby and saw that my Mom's shirt was covered in blood!
I ran into the house and got a wet cloth to put on the baby's head and we hussled to the local clini because the hospital was much further away. So we get to the clinic and the baby was so upset and crying. I tried to calm her down by singing her favorite song, The ABC's, over and over. We had to wait a while and she eventually started to calm down. About that time the Doctor was ready to stitch the baby up. It was the most horrible thing ever! They swaddled her up and turned a big light on her head which made her so upset. Then we had myself, my Mom, Cory, and the nurse all trying to hold the baby down while the Doctor did the stitches. That Zoe is a fighter! She didn't want to be part of any of that and she was using all her force to try and stop us. I started to get very nauseous and thought I was going to pass out and vomit at the same time so I had to leave the room. But then I felt really bad that I had left my baby when she was so upset and having such a traumatic moment. So I went back in the room but got sick again and had to leave again. I laid down on the nasty clinic's bathroom floor and just tried to calm down. It was weird I broke out in a cold sweat and was just feeling awful. But I got things together and was able to go back in and help hold the baby for the last stitches. Zoe ended up getting 2 or 3 deep stitches and 3 surface stitches. Cory and I are going today to get the stitches out and hopefully there will only be a little scar if any. Zoe has been such a trooper with this whole thing. I just hope this is the only experience we'll ever have with her and stitches or anything traumatic!
Enjoy the video of her new trick and you can see her stitches again.