Zoe just celebrated her third Birthday! I can't believe I brought my first child into this world 3 years ago! Where has the time gone? Zoe is such a fun and amazing child. From the day we brought her home I just knew we had won the child lottery. She has such a fun and vivacious personality. She loves to play dress-ups, play doh, paint, color, watch "Zoe shows" on tv, dress her dolly's up, and bounce. Pretty much every day is filled with these favorite activities.
Shortly after Phoebe was born my Aunt gave me some used clothes that I could use for Phoebe or give to charity. A lot of the clothes were the wrong season so they really didn't work for Phoebe. I decided to donate them to charity..but Zoe just couldn't let that happen. We had to slowly take away the clothes from her because they had become her dolly's new outfits. We were almost able to get rid of everything..but there are still a few outfits here and there. Zoe actually loves to wear them as her own clothes. It cracks me up because she will be wearing a 3-6 month dress and bummie and just think she looks fantastic. It's pretty hilarious!
She is such a feminine thing! She loves to wear dresses and always wants to wear her pretty Sunday dresses. Every time we go to Costco we pass their pretty dresses and she has a fit that I won't buy her one. If that girl only wore dresses she would be a happy camper.
For her Birthday we invited all of her little friends to go swimming at our favorite indoor pool. We all had a really fun time swimming and playing. Even Phoebe got to dangle her feet in the water and had a nice time. I think she found the loud water sounds to be very soothing.
At one point I noticed that Zoe was holding her bottom and I figured she had to go to the bathroom. So we hurried to the family bathroom that is right by the pool..and of course it was occupied. So we started to hustle to the bathrooms in the locker room. Well the dang bathrooms are all the way through the locker room, past the dressing rooms, through a door and in another area. Sadly we didn't make it to the bathrooms. Zoe pooped a little right before we entered the locker room. I didn't notice it but my friend pointed it out to me as I was rushing Zoe into the locker room. A little piece of poop landed on the ground. I didn't know what to do because Zoe hadn't finished and the bathrooms were all the way on the other side of the locker room. So I rushed Zoe to the toilet, grabbed some TP, and rushed back to clean up the mess. My sweet friend Kristin met me in the locker room and took the TP and cleaned it up for me (that's how you know you've got a good friend!). What an event!
After swimming we invited everyone back to our house for cupcakes and gifts. Zoe had so much fun with her cupcakes, and even blew out the candles by herself. In the past the fire has scared her. She got lots of help from her friends and cousins opening all the fun gifts! It was an excellent party and such a fun day!
Happy Birthday Zoe, I love you so much!
Working hard
Decorating Valentines Day cookies
My Cute little Valentines <3