23 July 2008


A)Four places I go over and over:
1. Heathers house..I might as well move in.
2. Cafe Rio..those Salads are tasty!
3. Kohls..I am addicted to shopping for Zoe.
4. Home..where I live, work, and play.

B)the last Four people who emailed me:
1. Brian..my boss
2. Heather..she is trying to help me in the home purchasing department
3. Amy..Cul-de-sac of fire is coming up!!
4. Carolyn -My Mother in Law..we are going to visit!

C)Four of my favorite foods:
1. Ice cream
2. Cafe Rio Salads
3. Pretty much anything my Mom makes
4. Lasagna

D)Four Places in which I would rather be right now:
1. Hawaii..sometimes I wonder why I left.
2. At Cul-de-sac of Fire
3. Somewhere in Mexico on a warm beach
4. Anywhere that would make it so I didn't have to work tomorrow..the 24th of July should be a mandatory holiday off!

E)Four people I'm tagging:
I tag anyone who wants to do this.

F)Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. North and South..so classy!
2. Pride and Predudice..Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy makes my heart sing.
3. Bridgette Jones Diary..so funny and kind of about Pride and Predudice.
4. Blades of Glory..talk about a laugh fest!


Caleb said...

I just Love North and South, and Pride and Prejudice. Mr. Darcy is wonderful. I have North and South on a wishlist, I wish Caleb would take the hint, Kami

Just Add Flowers said...

Way to take on the challenge of being 'tagged' to answer your question to me...No, I do not usually like chick flicks. I would rather watch something funny or adventurous. There is nothing like seeing Indiana Jones or batman kick some bad guy butt!