26 December 2008

Temple Square Lights

I was having some nasty computer issues for a couple of weeks..we got some virus/viruses that were making it really tricky to get online for any length of time. But Cory is a handsome computer genius and he fixed it up real good!

We went to Temple Square a few weeks ago and it was so much fun! The baby loved the lights and wasn't bothered by the cold at all. It probably helped that we had her bundled up so much that she kind of resembled the kid in "A Christmas Story" who can't put his arms down in his snow suit. Check out the pictures..her arms are basically in the same position the whole time!!! We had her in a pair of pants with jeans over those..a turtleneck with a sweater over it and a warm coat on top...mittens, a knit hat, and the hat on her coat. Then we had her bundled with 3 blankets!! I wasn't taking any chances! The lights were so pretty and we even went into the visitors center and listened to some caroling. I love Christmas songs! It was such a fun night!


Leslie said...

Looks like you had fun! We did not make it out before Christmas, we're hoping the weather allows us to go tonight! I hope your Christmas was great!!

Caleb said...

One thing we miss about Utah for sure.

Malesa said...

That's gorgeous. We missed seeing them this year. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas. Happy New year!